develop + design + build

311 S Main St

311 S Main St

Memphis, TN

The Project is located along the South Main Street Historic district corridor near recently completed projects including the Chisca Hotel renovation, Old Dominick Distillery, and Slider Inn. 311 S Main may include retail, commercial, creative, and traditional office spaces. The development team believes that the project’s location is an opportune site for business and life-style hub programs that could support small businesses, creatives and entrepreneurs.

311 S Main will be activated by a mix of programs that may include F&B, office, and lifestyle space. The design intent is to visually connect the upper and lower level through a grand stair element that will double as event space & functional seating. The areas facing Main Street are conceptually planned for retail, casual dining, and an interactive art component. Lifestyle uses (such as workout facilities and entertainment) will be weighted to the back (west) of the building on the ground floor. The second floor will include large open spaces taking advantage of the tall ceiling and light monitors on the second floor.

Originally, the building at 311 S Main was occupied as the Hemphill Diesel School. The Hemphill Diesel Schools were located in New York, Memphis, and Los Angeles. They were considered the best diesel training available in the US. The building program would have included classrooms, radio-TV,diesel training rooms, school offices, and a wash room. More recently, the building was leased by a signage business. The proposed vision may create a hub for the neighborhood through co-mingling a variety of uses. This project type will be new to the site as well as the South Main Historic District. The developers believe this will greatly enhance the experience of living and working in downtown Memphis.